Thursday, September 23, 2010

Seeing is BELIEVING!!!

Argument:  My facebook persona reveals that I am a vibrant, outstandstanding person that enjoys life.
Claim 1: My facebook pictures are accepted and appropriate for any subculture I belong to.
                Support: The pictures that either I have posted or my friends have tagged me in are all pictures of the times I spent with family or friends. My photos on facebook mostly reveal that I am a college student enjoying life. They show me smiling around family and friends and just enjoying where I am in my life right now. They do not show any pain, heartbreak, or difficult times which means that I do not allow anyone or anything to take away my happiness or enjoyment. My photos also express that I love fashion and I have a distinct style that reflects my unique personality. When I begin the search for a job any potential employeer can view my photos and will not find any trace of illegal or inappropriate activities. My parents' friends can also view my pictures and see that I am a regular college student that likes to have fun with my friends, but still enjoy the time I spend with my family. I pride myself, not only on my image of my daily life, but also on the image I portray of myself on social networks, such as facebook.  

Claim 2  Peronal information withheld from social websites have an effect on my persona.    
                Support:  With my facebook persona I have decided to exclude any intimate relationships or any personal conflicts. If I am involved in an argument or confrontation I do not publish post updates or videos about it. Deciding to exclude those details, my facebook friends can conclude that I am an all-around happy person and I will uplift anyone’s mood that is around me. They can also infer that I do not approve of or take part in any form of conflict that will serve as a detriment to my friends, family, or career. My wall is open to just about anyone, my profile pictures can be viewed by anyone, and my audience is anyone that can find me on the internet. Because of the wide scope of people that can view my facebook, I keep the information on their limited to information that is easily accessible, other than on facebook. My relationship status is always set to single just to keep ny personal life private. I also do not include personal information that may cause potential employeers to have a negative view of me, especially before I have an interview.

Friday, September 17, 2010

High School Bomb


        It was a regular Tuesday morning at Fort Lauderdale High School. The final bell, for the start of class, has rung and the hallways are abandoned. The students’ side conversations are winding down as the teachers prepare to start their lessons. The quiet, deserted hallways were soon filled with screaming, frightening teenagers. Teachers were yelling for students to calm down and "walk in a single file line,” while they tried to understand what was happening. All of this chaos was caused after the fire alarm went off.

 As the final bell rung indicating the beginning of classes the hallways were quickly cleared and abandoned.

 The school day began and students wrapped up side side conversations and settled into their classes and teachers prepared to begin their lessons.

Minutes later the fire alarm rang and everyone was ordered out of the building. Students, teachers, and faculty members make their way away from the building to ensure safety. 

The teachers, faculty members, and students were all frazzled because they had no idea as to what was going on. Teachers discussed amongst themselves possible answers, but tried to be as descrete as possible, to avoid alarming the students. As they all began pouring out of the buildings and began filling the paramater of the school, rumors started leaking out about a possible bomb threat.
As teachers and students grew anxious for confirmation about what was going happening, police officers of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department and firemen of Station 18 Firehouse, blocked off all exits and entrances to the school. No one was allowed in and no one was allowed out. Police explained that these were all precautions to ensure the safety of the students, teachers, and staff. In groups of three, with a total of about 70, officers began filing into the school to investigate anything that could lead them to believe that a bomb was actually in the school.
 Students, teachers, and faculty members stood outside waiting to be informed about what was going on.

Inside the school, officers checked every hallway, classroom, locker and bathroom. Corner to corner they searched each and every building thoroughly. With officers checking inside and out, the police department wanted to make sure that the entire school was clear before letting anyone back in. After a two hour thorough search the captain of the police department was ready to announce that the school was clear and the students could return to their classrooms to finish the school day. Just as Captain Eyerman, of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, found the principle to report the good news, a call came through his radio, “We found something. Come quick.” Two officers in the main building of the school spotted a backpack tucked away in a corner that alerted suspensions. Officers immediately contacted the Fort Lauderdale Bomb Squad to inspect the suspicious backpack. Meanwhile outside, students and teachers were growing anxious to know what's going on. Teachers began harassing officers by constantly questioning whether they had solved the problem or not. At this time, two hours has passed and students and teachers are still unaware of what is going on. Police officers did informed advisors and members of the faculty that a backpack was found and the bomb squad was called to inspect it.

As the large black trucks with dark tinted windows pulled into the parking lot students’ started to whisper amongst each other what could be happening. Some students said someone was shot, others said drugs were found in the school, and one student, who was in the office when the call was received, said there was a bomb and in a few minutes the entire school was going to blow up. Teachers heard these accusations and told the students to “stop talking” because they were rumors and no one knew for sure what was going on. In the meantime, the student that was in the office when the phone call was received stood off to the side telling what he heard to a few of his classmates.

Students wait patiently for the news about why they have been outside all morning.

Even though the police officers searched the school for two hours the only information officials shared with students and teachers, at that time, was that the office received an anonymous call a few minutes after classes begun and the unknown caller said there was a bomb in the school and it was set to go off any time before school ended

Another hour passed and everyone was still outside completely clueless about what was going on and the students became restless and unruly. While teachers did their best outside to keep the students calm, the bomb squad worked inside to defuse the bomb found inside the suspicious backpack. After working diligently and carefully, for about an hour and a half the bomb squad to was able to diffuse the tricky bomb without any damage to the building or anyone. Relieved to hear that everything and everyone was just fine the principle decided to end school early and allow everyone to go home, due to the stress of the day.  
Jimmy Smith was suspected of being responsible for placing the bomb in the school and then making the anonymous call.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sixth Sense and The Five Codes

The car scene, conversation between the little boy and his mom. *HER. Enima: The little boy is bothered by something. Is he upset because his mom missed his play? Is he upset because they are stuck in traffic? Or is there something else bothering him? Promise of an answer: "I am ready to communicate with you now....tell you my secrets." The boy is ready to tell his mom what is bothering him. Fraud: "The boy says he can see the lady, that died in the car accident, standing at the car window, while he is talking to his mother. Equivocation: The lady that dies in the car accident is shown walking away from the car. Blocking: After the boy tells his mom that the dead lady was standing at the car window, she gives him a blank, confused stare as if she is in disbelief. Suspended Answer: After the boy's initail statement that he is ready to communicate, the pauses between each person's statement makes us wait a few seconds before he reveals his "secrect."  Partial Answer: "You know the accident up there...a lady, she died." This is where we start to see the boy's secret unfold. Disclosure: "They scare me to...I see ghost and they want me to do things for them." At this point the little boy has revealed to his mom that he sees dead people and has a form of communication with them, when they talk to him. **ACT: The boy stares blanking at his mom after she is finish talking to him. This tellings us that he has something important to tell her that has been on his mind for quite some time.***SEM: The boys mom is first seen as a workaholic who puts her job before her son and doesn't really have time for him. After he reveals that he sees ghost and one of them is his grandmother, his mom is seen as a loving, caring mom who cares deeply about her son. ****REF: The sirens and police officers are custom in American society that something has happened and it could be fatal. Short or long pauses mixed into a conversation adds suspense to a movie and makes the audience believe that the person is not sure if they are ready to reveal the news and could possibly change their mind.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Image Analysis

This image of an iPhone is balanced. The artist used three iPhone’s with the two on either side at the same height and width. Having the third iPhone in the center from a different angle shows the symmetry of the photo. The sleek and stylish look of the iPhone makes it appealing to technologically savvy innovators that are always willing to jump at the newest gadgets. The endless functions, games, apps make this phone stand out from all its competitors, and also makes it desirable even to the least technological intelligent person. In this advertisement Apple, the maker of the iPhone, wants to draw the viewers’ attention to how slim and sheek the phone is, which it accomplishes with the side view of the phone in the center. This artist stayed with the conventional advertisement for iPhone’s. He/ she stuck with just picturing the iPhone from all angles and showing the basic functions, of the phone, on the front.

With the changes made to the photo, the image of an iPhone could be changed to a negative one. iPhone’s are usually seen as new innovative, sleek pieces of equipment that everyone of any age can enjoy. From the hip teenager that wants to show off on his friends to the businessman that is traveling overseas from country to country throughout the year. From the fast internet to the many games, music, and apps the iPhone is seen as one of the coolest new phones out right now. But with the changes the iPhone can be seen as a negative, piece of equipment that can put the lives of many people at stake. The iPhone is great to have, but once it is seen as dangerous, then it’s no longer the most wanted cellular device on the market. Roland Barthes makes the argument that pictures are “The Death of the Author” (Barthes). This picture has no words so it’s strictly up to the audience to make an interpretation as to what the artist is trying to portray. I agree with Barthes because I made up my own interpretation of the picture and after I made the changes I made up the interpretations that the new image will portray.