Sunday, September 5, 2010

Image Analysis

This image of an iPhone is balanced. The artist used three iPhone’s with the two on either side at the same height and width. Having the third iPhone in the center from a different angle shows the symmetry of the photo. The sleek and stylish look of the iPhone makes it appealing to technologically savvy innovators that are always willing to jump at the newest gadgets. The endless functions, games, apps make this phone stand out from all its competitors, and also makes it desirable even to the least technological intelligent person. In this advertisement Apple, the maker of the iPhone, wants to draw the viewers’ attention to how slim and sheek the phone is, which it accomplishes with the side view of the phone in the center. This artist stayed with the conventional advertisement for iPhone’s. He/ she stuck with just picturing the iPhone from all angles and showing the basic functions, of the phone, on the front.

With the changes made to the photo, the image of an iPhone could be changed to a negative one. iPhone’s are usually seen as new innovative, sleek pieces of equipment that everyone of any age can enjoy. From the hip teenager that wants to show off on his friends to the businessman that is traveling overseas from country to country throughout the year. From the fast internet to the many games, music, and apps the iPhone is seen as one of the coolest new phones out right now. But with the changes the iPhone can be seen as a negative, piece of equipment that can put the lives of many people at stake. The iPhone is great to have, but once it is seen as dangerous, then it’s no longer the most wanted cellular device on the market. Roland Barthes makes the argument that pictures are “The Death of the Author” (Barthes). This picture has no words so it’s strictly up to the audience to make an interpretation as to what the artist is trying to portray. I agree with Barthes because I made up my own interpretation of the picture and after I made the changes I made up the interpretations that the new image will portray.

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