Friday, September 10, 2010

Sixth Sense and The Five Codes

The car scene, conversation between the little boy and his mom. *HER. Enima: The little boy is bothered by something. Is he upset because his mom missed his play? Is he upset because they are stuck in traffic? Or is there something else bothering him? Promise of an answer: "I am ready to communicate with you now....tell you my secrets." The boy is ready to tell his mom what is bothering him. Fraud: "The boy says he can see the lady, that died in the car accident, standing at the car window, while he is talking to his mother. Equivocation: The lady that dies in the car accident is shown walking away from the car. Blocking: After the boy tells his mom that the dead lady was standing at the car window, she gives him a blank, confused stare as if she is in disbelief. Suspended Answer: After the boy's initail statement that he is ready to communicate, the pauses between each person's statement makes us wait a few seconds before he reveals his "secrect."  Partial Answer: "You know the accident up there...a lady, she died." This is where we start to see the boy's secret unfold. Disclosure: "They scare me to...I see ghost and they want me to do things for them." At this point the little boy has revealed to his mom that he sees dead people and has a form of communication with them, when they talk to him. **ACT: The boy stares blanking at his mom after she is finish talking to him. This tellings us that he has something important to tell her that has been on his mind for quite some time.***SEM: The boys mom is first seen as a workaholic who puts her job before her son and doesn't really have time for him. After he reveals that he sees ghost and one of them is his grandmother, his mom is seen as a loving, caring mom who cares deeply about her son. ****REF: The sirens and police officers are custom in American society that something has happened and it could be fatal. Short or long pauses mixed into a conversation adds suspense to a movie and makes the audience believe that the person is not sure if they are ready to reveal the news and could possibly change their mind.

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